Luxury Fiberglass Pool Articles

77 articles found

Many owners would like to walk on their autocover lid. Some even hope the kids can jump off of it safely. We wish there was something that could make this an absolute possibly but unfortunately that is just not realistic. Read More...
Including a spa in your pool space can add a lot of class to your project. Before you decide, it is important to understand how the spa will be controlled and operated. There are three ways to plumb and operate a pool / spa combo in your backyard. A passive system, a split system, and a dual system. Read More...
In Ohio there is no sales tax on the installation of a fiberglass pool. At least there shouldn't be. In Ohio the builder should be paying sales / use tax on everything that is purchased and used on the installation when the items are purchased for your project. Read More...
Draws and down payments are a very large and important part of a construction project. The way a pool installer sets up draws should be carefully considered. It is important that neither the pool builder nor the client is ahead or behind the other. Otherwise, it could end up creating a hostage situation. If a pool contractor is not good with finances, they may be cash flowing other jobs with YOUR money and at some point be unable to complete jobs. You don't want to be the last one when the music ends. It happens A LOT. Read More...
Over the last few years, the pool industry has shifted to ONLY focus on START times for projects. The covid boom trained consumers (and contractors) to talk about how far they were booked out and focus on when the project would start. That has been damaging to the pool business. The start date should be discussed, but isn't knowing when things are going to be DONE more important? Recently, a lot of projects have been started, and MANY projects never completed. Read More...
Having a crack or series of cracks in your skimmer is not abnormal. We wish it didn't happen but it does and is difficult to mitigate. The skimmer itself is a 'weak spot' in the concrete slab. It is a void in the concrete and is naturally much more susceptible to becoming a crack point. Read More...
The connection between the fiberglass pool shell and the concrete slab is a delicate point. If either the pool shifts OR the concrete shifts, it can cause a crack and break off. Despite our custom forms having a very favorable and durable return, there is no way to mitigate the risk completely. There are several causes of these shifts but the solution is the same. Read More...
For decades the pool industry preformed backyard consultations with clients. The pool was painted out in the grass and some flags were placed to represent the pool corners and concrete apron. In the early 2010's this became less important with the development of 3D design software but many pool installers continued to meet at the house. Why? Read More...
It's not the news you want, but the truth is there is no immediate antidote to scale removal. All water has the potential to scale particularly if the 'wrong' conditions are permitted. This fountain maintained by the team at NASA has even been allowed to scale out. But what can be done now? Read More...
The Lux Capacitor (yes we are Back To The Future fans) is a device that is installed on your pool filtration equipment that offers a few special and unique benefits that may seem like magic. At its core, the Lux Capacitor is a device that creates structured water. It is passive, so it requires no power or servicing, and will last nearly indefinitely. Read More...

77 articles found


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