Our Five Points Of Difference

What makes Luxury Pools a different kind of pool builder?
When comparing swimming pool quotes there can be a lot of details and often they are not discussed openly. Very few pool companies include all the pieces and parts that you're going to need to actually complete your project. In MOST cases this a result of the installer wanting to keep the initial price low and will change order you on the back. Just as often it's a result of being lazy about the estimate process and not calculating what your job is really going to take. Either way – You'll have to pay.
We take pride in only presenting you with the ENTIRE cost for your project. This could mean that at first glance we may appear $10,000 to $14,000 more expensive than other swimming pool installers. The reality is you shouldn't / can't get around what it takes to properly complete a pool project. We call these included items 'Our Five Points Of Difference.'
First understand that a premium fiberglass pool costs more than a vinyl pool as well as main stream fiberglass pool shells. Similar to the boat industry, how fiberglass pools are manufactured and the resins used can vary greatly between manufactures. We have found $3,000 to $4,000 is a typical difference in fiberglass pools. The remaining difference in quotes are a result of our 'Five Points' and a low ball 'estimate.'
Point 1 - Permitting and Inspections - $1,200
We take care of all the permitting needed. This is based on state building code and basic zoning compliance. For example - in the City of Columbus, Delaware County, Union County, or Upper Arlington the permit fee is around $400. Add the zoning permit, an electric permit, division of water and soil review, board of health if you have septic, time meeting with inspectors and the time spent to go through application process...you're into $1,200 without any trouble. Check out this nightmare swimming pool permit situation we had in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Point 2 - Soil Hauling - $1,900
Don't be fooled. Soil hauling is expensive. If you are told by a pool installer to get on Craig's List and find a dump truck 'Guy' to get rid of your dirt for cheap...RUN. This is a total lie. Not only will you have to get another piece of equipment (skid loader) to LOAD the trucks, you'll also have to have a place to take the dirt. Take it much farther than five miles away, and you're going to be writing a bigger check. On average, it costs $1,900 to get dirt trucked away. If your told or its suggested that you keep the dirt and re-grade your yard...beware again. Grading and reseeding a lawn typically cost more than trucking it.
Point 3 – Water - $1,400
I know, it's a pool right! Very rarely will an install include water. They plan to have your hose run for 4-6 days to fill the pool. Don't get me wrong we top up with client's hoses BUT we are trucking in SEMI TRUCK LOADS of water to do the bulk of it. At $400 or more per load OR a stiff water and sewer bill...water is worth about $1,400. It's worth it though. We use City of Columbus water almost exclusively which is almost perfectly balance and has a chlorine level of about 2 from the plant. That's a great way to start up your pool.
Point 4 - Electric - $4,200
We do all electric per code and the way we would want it at OUR house. We include a 120Amp electric panel on every project. Why? Because you need it. Very few homes are 'provisioned' for a pool even if the builder told you so. Even the builders that try do not understand the electric needs of todays pool systems including heat pumps and outdoor living spaces. Our panel includes a timer, remote control and transformer for lighting, relays for future upgrades, a convenience plug outlet. They are capable of supporting a heat pump, salt system, potentially a future hot tub, or any other option you may want to add today or down the road. We also run the conduit from your existing breaker box to your new pool breaker / control panel. Again...don't be fooled and talked into calling some 'guy' on Craig's list to wire up your swimming pool. Click HERE for a video explaining our electric system.
Point 5 - Gravel - $2,900
This one is easy to miss. Very often a swimming pool quote will note 'gravel not included' or will mention that the first 40 tons is included and if more is needed it's the responsibility of the client. That's fine if you know about it and want to provide gravel OR if your pool only needs 40 tons. Unfortunately, few inground pools need only 40 tons. Sixty to 90 is more reasonable. Also, if the contract includes sand RATHER than gravel...watch out...It will get the initial pool quote down BUT sand will ruin and crush an in-ground pool wall in a decade or so. Crushed limestone gravel has doubled in central Ohio since 2020 and a normal swimming pool project is going to cost about $2,700 in backfill.
Add the 5 points up
Permitting and Inspections | $1,200 |
Soil Hauling | $1,900 |
Water | $1,400 |
Electric | $4,200 |
Gravel | $2,900 |
TOTAL | $13,100 |
We've accumulated $13,100 from what a 'Low Ball' pool quote is and what the project should actually take to be completed properly. |
Matthew of Luxury Pools gives you a tour of what a fiberglass pool installation should consist of. From pool steps and features, design / layout, to concrete, to equipment, to water features we cover it. Matthew goes in depth on each component - how we install it and why. Please excuse the WIND- It's a bit noisy, but hopefully you find this helpful.
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