Luxury Fiberglass Pool Articles

77 articles found

For decades gas heaters have been a staple in the pool industry for a warm pool and for extending the swim season. For decades these heaters have made nearly no improvements to efficacy and only modest improvements (if any) on their exchanger materials. Heat pumps on the other hand developed over the last 10-15 years are more efficient, more reliable, and last 2 – 3 times longer. There is almost no good reason for an owner to install a gas heater as they largely benefit the pool installer. Read More...
Your automatic pool cover represents a sizeable investment. It will help save you money from chemical loss, heat loss and water evaporation as well as provide an additional safety barrier for your pool. Your pool cover needs care and maintenance for you to see the maximum life and return on your investment. Read More...
Salt chlorine generators are a fantastic part of any pool. They are not without maintenance however. Depending on the usage of your unit, the life expectancy of certain components could vary quite a bit. The amount of chlorine you need and the system makes, could potentially wear out a system in just a couple short years. This can be avoided by keeping your water chemistry balanced, maintaining proper salt levels, and not allowing your pool to 'get behind' on chlorine, requiring your generator to run full blast for days or weeks. Remember just because you make your own chlorine doesn’t mean you don't need to use liquid chlorine or other supplemental sanitizer- you should be. Read More...
There are occasionally times when you might notice a small drip coming from your 'drain to waste' (DTW) or 'cleaner' valve. This is not uncommon or really a problem. Read More...
It is our intention to perform a rough grade on your site when the pool and concrete installations are complete. Similar to building a home, our teams excavate and perform construction work and grading needed for the pool installation itself. Once construction is complete, we will establish a grade and elevation appropriate for your site accurate to a few inches of the final dirt elevations. Read More...
White or cloudy areas on a decorative concrete patio can be caused by a few different things. The most common cause is the use of incompatible sealer. When most professionals seal decorative concrete we use a solvent based sealer. Due to VOC laws, hazmat rules, and costs, these can be hard to obtain unless you're in the trade, but they are best. Read More...
An Automatic cover makes a fantastic winter cover. It keeps the dirt out, the sun out, is safe, and looks nice. There are however some things to keep in mind, and attention should be paid to your cover though winter. Read More...
In addition to cracks occurring in the curing process, cracks also can occur from ground movement – up or down. Some of this movement happens as a result of ground shifting, water flow and erosion, settling, and or the ground freezing in the winter and pushing the slab up. Through metal reinforcement and strategically placed relief joints most of these cracks can be kept in the joints and visually not be 'cracks.' If a crack shows up in the joint – then the joint or cut did its job. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes cracks do what they want. Such as cracking right next to a relief joint. A bigger and more troublesome concrete issue is spalling or popping. Read More...
There are more and more manufacturers producing pergolas, pavilions, and shade shelters than ever before. They are shipped directly to you from the factory ready for assembly. These units are usually of high quality materials and well-crafted providing homeowners a huge value compared to custom built on site structures. Customers will often ask if they can place one of these structures on top of our concrete once it's poured. The short answer is yes. Read More...
In certain situations pool water can be so dirty that the water is not worth filtering or simply cannot be filtered clean. These situations are often related to a pool being left open during the winter, the construction process, a flooding event, or an extreme algae infestation. Read More...

77 articles found


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