Luxury Fiberglass Pool Articles
75 articles found
Unfortunately the pool business has a reputation for being a bit of a sleazy industry. It is riddled with one man operations that call themselves "pool builders" and for either lack of knowledge, ability, or because they are simply crooks, screw the average home owner and give our industry the reputation we have today. Read More...
I often hear from clients and fellow builders alike how much they "hate" the building department and the "stupid" inspectors. They usually follow up such statements with a story of a specific inspector and how "dumb" he was and why something did or didn't apply to them and their project and go on to say how they just won't get a permit next time. Now, I have absolutely have had my tiffs with building departments and inspectors, BUT at the end of the day it is very important you find a way to get along and work with inspectors and building departments. Read More...
Getting their start in Australia, Salt Water Chlorine Generators (SWCG) have been around since the 1960's. Somewhere in the mid-1980's they found there way to the US market. However, the earlier units where big, messy, created caustic by-products that you had to dispose of, and had to be continuously replenished with new salt (about 50lbs per month). Luckily for us, the units that are made today fix all of the problems that plagued the "brine units" of the past. Read More...
There are many options on concrete. Stamped, colored, skinned, broomed, acid wash, to name a few. What's important is that you have a concrete apron around the pool to hold the shell in place. It may be covered by pavers or stone but you must have concrete connecting to the pool and extending to virgin soil for structural reasons. In addition to having concrete you must also bond the concrete to the shell with rebar. Read More...
Once you've got your base installed, it's time to set your shell. This can vary in complexity depending on the size and type of your pool as well as the equipment you're using. Small and medium pools can be set with excavators, a couple straps and a spreader bar to rig with. Smaller pools are typically stronger and easier than larger pools. The larger the pool the more delicate straight walls can be. Read More...
So you want to install your own fiberglass pool. OK. For most people the prospect of installing their own swimming pool means savings. The process of installing a fiberglass pool is not that difficult. Most mechanical people after a glance over some installation pictures have a basic handle on it. Dig, set, backfill, form and pour the concrete. Let's face it $10,000-$15,000 in potential savings can get about anyone's attention. Read More...
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In the pool industry this saying most certainly applies to the use of use and installation of sump tubes. Sump tubes are pipes installed at the deep end of a pool that run vertically from the pool deck to the very bottom of the pool floor. Diameters may vary, but it must to be large enough to allow for a sump pump to be placed into the well – typically 8". Read More...
Spring's the best time to build a pool right? WRONG. I'm not sure how the idea became so common, but for some reason most people think the spring is the time to build pools, fences, houses, landscapes and other outdoor project. The truth is there is absolutely not a harder time to build a pool, or anything else outside, than spring. The reasons, though simple, may not be so obvious. Read More...
Contrary to what we have been taught in today's economy, 'sales' are bad. In most situations, it means the price was too high in the first place. When people ask me "Is that the best you can do on this?" Yes is always my reply. We spend a lot of time estimating and more importantly reviewing completed jobs so we can improve and keep tabs on costs. We line item every penny of our jobs and that's how I am able to give my best price the first time. Read More...
I am often told by future clients that they have several estimates for their new pool and they know they are comparing apples to apples. They typically believe they have a firm grasp on the features and the scope of work they are comparing. Unless they have some experience in the construction industry, the truth is they're usually lost. It is only after I review the quotes with them do they understand not only what is included, but more importantly they understand what is not. Read More...
75 articles found
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