Integrity in the pool business – DOES THAT EXIST?
Unfortunately the pool business has a reputation for being a bit of a sleazy industry. It is riddled with one man operations that call themselves "pool builders" and for either lack of knowledge, ability, or because they are simply crooks, screw the average homeowner and give our industry the reputation we have today.
I saw a news story this morning on one such company which I will refer to only as The Pool "Guy". The company has been covered several times on the news for BAD business "practices" (screwing people) and now is closing its doors for the third time in as many years. One of the multiple owners has been charged with embezzlement and theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars. He allegedly took deposits from dozens of customers and then shut down the company and ran.
My team and I take a lot of pride in being people and a company of high standards and integrity. We strive every day to treat our customers with respect, honesty, and always do what's right. The story on the news hit a real note with me this morning. You see just earlier this week, while reviewing job reports we found that we had not properly applied a discount to a clients account to the tune of some $3,400.00! That's not a small check. Somehow the client didn't notice either. We promptly applied a credit to the clients account and mailed out the check with a letter explaining the oversight.
We talk about how we are a company of integrity and values. Sometimes it's not so easy to show that we really walk the walk. With the wake that The Pool "Guy" has made in our market and the challenge that bringing integrity to our industry has been, I wanted to take the opportunity to not only tell people, but this time SHOW people that integrity is not just a catch word but is truly what Luxury Pools is about. I have attached the letter below of your so inclined to read it.
The take home here is that not all pool companies are crooks AND when you're talking to a pool builder about your project, consider asking yourself this question: "If this guy owed me money would he pay me?" AND "If I didn't know it would he tell me?" I bet your decision and comfort level will be very clear.

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