Luxury Fiberglass Pool Articles

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How is the pool installer going to support you after the pool is complete? Will the equipment and systems be user friendly and will you be able to be comfortable with them? What is the process of testing your water and how do you know you are doing it correctly? Read More...
Why do people purchase salt chlorinators?
I honestly think that most are sold because of hype. Misinformation by both pool "guys" and pool owners alike flood the internet and make these systems out to be the "magic bullet" to pool maintenance. There are people that have been told and or read that a salt pool takes care of itself and they don't have to test it!!! That simply is not the case. These systems are handy and convenient in that you don't have to purchase chlorine. Most of our customers are buying a 50 pound bucket of chlorine every 2 years so it's not like that is a huge chore anyway. Spending $1800 on a system to not spend $150 per year is not a wise economic decision. That's a 12 year return on investment IF your cell lasts that long which it won't. Read More...
Via Phone call: 'How long will an auto cover last?' Asked a customer this week. 'I have read that they can fail in a few years. Is that true?' Read More...
Via Email 12/19/13: You have probably heard we have a VERY wet forecast the next few days. I wanted to reach out and refresh your memory about ground water.
Under most conditions ground water around the pool is not a factor. HOWEVER the conditions are just 'wrong' so to speak to put your pool at risk. The ground is VERY saturated and the forecast is for up to 3" of rain. 'Flooding is possible' were the bad words I heard on the news this morning. What is a sump tube and what does it do? Read More...
Taking care of a salt pool is no different than any other type of pool. Your Alkalinity, PH, and available chlorine all need monitored. Understanding the way the system works and that this is s means of MAKING chlorine rather than purchasing will help you understand how to take care of it. Read More...
The easy and short answer is...'Sometimes' and or 'It depends' particularly when a safety cover is the proposed barrier. The complication stems from the multitude of building departments, zoning departments, and different guidelines at each. For some homeowners a lack of any governing department at all may actually work in this case to their benefit. Read More...
When testing your pool water for "available" or "free" chlorine (CL) you are measuring the amount of chlorine that is in the pool and is ready to attack a waste. If your test indicates 0.0 CL there may be chlorine in the pool working to sanitize the pool BUT there is no extra, "Free", or "Available" chlorine to attack new or additional waste. In this state it is possible to have a perfectly clear and clean pool as well as SMELL chlorine (really chloramines) but not have any CL register on a test. Read More...
As many of you may know this season (2012) PCS has had some difficulty obtaining and providing us wireless remotes used to control the Infinity 4000. As of this week we have finally received a suitable remotes and have installed them to most of those waiting. We have left you the remote, along with screws to permanently mount the remote pad outside. You will notice once the back of the mount is attached to the house the remote portion of the unit will pop off allowing you to take the remote inside for winter (highly recommended) and replace the batteries when needed. Please make sure you when you mount your remote you position it if FULL site of the pool. Read More...
Cleaning a cartridge filter can be a pretty straight forward process so long as you have an idea of what materials you are removing and how. There are three different types of materials we are cleaning from the filter with just a few basic steps. The first is the solid materials like dirt, leaves, or puppy fur balls. The second is oils from your skin, makeup, deodorants, and sunscreen. Last but not least are minerals. Not everyone will have minerals. The mineral content is going to be based on your local water AND if you prefilter your water prior to putting it in the pool with a whole house filter or a garden hose attachment type filter. Read More...
As many of you know the last couple of years have been rough for the owners of Rule pumps. After being the undisputed leader in small pumps from boats to pools the decision was made by Rules parent company to move the operation to Mexico. Thought this was done in a discrete fashion with almost no one in the industry knowing, the fallout was anything but quite. Read More...

22 articles found


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